Worried ransomware merchants know more about file storage than you do? You should be… • The Register

Worried ransomware merchants know more about file storage than you do? You should be… • The Register


Promo If you’re still not convinced of the need to reexamine your whole approach to file management, perhaps a ransomware attack will change your mind.

Ransomware merchants don’t just rely on working their way into your systems and locking your data. They know that any company large enough to pay a reasonable ransom will have a backup system in place. Which is why if they get the opportunity, they’ll happily bide their time, crippling your data protection systems well before they put the full lock on your production systems.

But even if they don’t hijack your data protection systems, they know restoring traditional backups is a laborious process that’s going to take hours, days or even weeks. And they know that a few millions in ransomware suddenly starts to look like a good deal as compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that downtime costs for even medium-sized enterprises.

The old rules of data protection simply don’t apply anymore, which is why you should register (for free!) for Nasuni CloundBound21, which runs online from September 28 to 30.

Nasuni CloudBound21 features powerful keynote sessions, deep dive breakout sessions, industry panels and more, designed to equip you with tangible takeaways during a time zone that aligns to your availability.

Highlights include keynotes with David Totten, CTO, US Partner System, Microsoft on September 28th and Lakshmi Sharma, Director Product Management, Network Experience, Performance, Reliability and Solutions at Google Cloud on September 29th.

Also on September 29, you can dive deep into the world of ransomware, with a panel featuring Randy Kerns, Primary and Secondary Analyst at Evaluator Group, Jerome Wendt, President/Founder of DCIG and Nasuni CTO Andres Rodriguez.

Additional sessions to focus on how your file storage strategy underpins and interacts with other key issues, such as digital transformation, VDI and an increasingly hybrid workforce. You’ll also learn how you can potentially realise massive cost savings on your file management and storage. Plus, because nothing beats hearing from your peers , there will be innovative networking sessions.

And each day’s content is compressed into just four hours, meaning you can catch up with some of the smartest people in data management – including your peers – and get a full day’s work in.

So, if you want to get on top of modern file storage, head this way and register today.

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