ESET Research Podcast: Hot security topics at RSA or mostly hype?

ESET Research Podcast: Hot security topics at RSA or mostly hype?


Listen to Cameron Camp, Juraj Jánošík, and Filip Mazán discuss the use of machine learning in cybersecurity, followed by Cameron’s insights into the security of medical devices

At this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco, the speakers and vendors on the expo floor often presented artificial intelligence as the solution that can help the cybersecurity industry fight threat actors more effectively. Some vendors went even further and presented their products as fire-and-forget silver bullets that will solve all problems and leave no attacks undetected.

To cut through the noise, we asked ESET experts to offer their insights on the topic based on the decades of their work with machine learning technologies.

Of course, AI wasn’t the only hot topic at the world’s largest conference devoted to information security. Among others, the agenda also offered several talks and discussions on the security of medical devices. To share ESET’s view on the security mechanism of these life-saving instruments, we invited Cameron Camp – who has experience in IoT research – to explain what protections are in place for the patients and how manufacturers of such devices react to vulnerability disclosures.

Listen to the latest episode of ESET Research podcast where ESET Specialized Researcher Cameron Camp talks to Juraj Jánošík, ESET Head of Automated Threat Detection, and Filip Mazán, ESET Senior Machine Learning Engineer. In the second part about medical devices, Cameron himself is interviewed by Ondrej Kubovič, ESET Security Awareness Specialist. As always, you’ll be guided through the whole experience by our host, ESET Distinguished Researcher Aryeh Goretsky.

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