Well, these are rhetorical questions, so of course the answer is yes 😛
Maybe a better question is: How much does color matter? How necessary is it to have a logo? I would say the answer is that it matters tremendously and is completely necessary.
You may be surprised to learn that, in my design process, color selection and logo development are the two most difficult steps. Seems like it would be relatively simple, right? After all, you can pick paint colors pretty quickly and always change ‘em later (so why should company colors be any different?) And most logos look pretty uncomplicated (which, by the way, is intentional and a bit misleading.)
There may be other designers out there who disagree that picking colors and creating logos are complicated steps. But, in my humble opinion, these decisions carry more weight than perhaps any other design decision my clients will make.
Think about it. A logo and company colors are the organizational equivalent of putting a face with a name. What pops into your mind if I say “Nike”? (A swoosh, right?) How about Coca-Cola? (You probably think red and white.) And doesn’t Quaker Oats bring to mind a happy, overweight guy with a bad wig?
Logos and colors symbolize, in a subtle but powerful way, what your company is and does. For example, hot pink, green and teal give the impression that something is fun and whimsical and might be used by a preschool or company that designs children’s clothing. Large, blocky text in your logo (think “law firm”) gives the viewer a sense that you are important and dependable. A logo with curved shapes might be promoting a product or service specifically for women. Bold colors (red, dark blue, yellow) are attention-grabbing, while muted colors (gray, tan, beige) impart a sense of professionalism and refinement.
If I haven’t convinced you that color selection and having a top-notch logo is crucial, contact me for a free consultation. I can be much more persuasive in person!