There’s a whole wide world of web application firewall options – so how do you choose the right one? • The Register

There’s a whole wide world of web application firewall options – so how do you choose the right one? • The Register


Webcast If you’ve got an application which faces the web, no one would dispute that you should probably have a web application firewall sitting in front of it.

Web apps, after all, are the leading cause of security breaches, and the web application firewall (WAF) is first line of defence, preventing bad actors getting in in the first place, and then leaving with whatever goodies they’ve found.

But while it’s easy to identify the problem, it’s a little trickier to identify the precise deployment approach you should follow to fix it. You can opt for a low-cost commodity product, traditional on-prem hardware, or the full gamut of cloud options, from self-managed to fully managed as a service. All have their pros and cons. The trick is working out which works for your organization, and your app.

It’s a complicated equation to work your way through, but as always, we’re here to help, with our upcoming webcast, Choosing the Right WAF Deployment Model, on April 13 at a very civilized 1100 BST (1200 CEST.)

Your host will be our own Tim Phillips, who has worked through a fair few tricky equations himself over the years. He’ll be joined by Keiron Shepherd of F5 Networks, who has over 20 years of experience tackling hard core cyber security issues.

Together they’ll walk you through the key WAF deployment models, and pick over their pros and cons.

They’ll also take you deeper into key areas such as advanced protection, behavioural analytics, proactive bot protection and API security.

And they’ll help you work out where your WAF choices can – and should fit – with your app development lifecycle.

So, if you’ve even the slightest worry that your current web app protection is a little more whiff that WAF, just drop your details in the registration box, and we’ll make sure to remind you on the day.

Brought to you by F5 Networks

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